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Identifying Bipolar I Disorder

Symptoms of manic episode6

  • Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
  • Decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep).
  • More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking.
  • Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing.
  • Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli).
  • Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation (i.e., purposeless non-goal-directed activity).
  • Excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful conse-quences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or unwise business investments).

Symptoms of manic episode with mixed features6

Full criteria symptoms of manic episode or hypomanic episode, and at least three of the following symptoms are present during the majority of days

  • Prominent dysphoria or depressed mood as indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful).
  • Diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities (as indicated by either subjective account or observation made by others).
  • Psychomotor retardation nearly every day (observable by others; not merely subjective feelings of being slowed down).
  • Fatigue or loss of energy.
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick).
  • Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ide­ation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for com­mitting suicide.
ZONALTA is proven to treat manic episode with or without mixed features of BIPOLAR I DISORDER.1


  1. ZONALTA (endoxifen citrate) tablets 8 mg. Prescribing information. Intas Pharmaceuticals LTD.
  2. Rolin D, Whelan J, Montano CB. Is it depression or is it bipolar depression? J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2020 Oct;32(10):703-713.
  3. Bauer M, Gitlin M. Natural Course of Bipolar Disorder and Implications for Treatment. In: The Essential Guide to Lithium Treatment. Springer, Cham. 2016.
  4. Forte A, Baldessarini RJ, Tondo L, Vázquez GH, Pompili M, Girardi P. Long-term morbidity in bipolar-I, bipolar-II, and unipolar major depressive disorders. J Affect Disord. 2015 Jun 1;178:71-8.
  5. Judd LL, Akiskal HS, Schettler PJ, Endicott J, Maser J, Solomon DA, et al. The long-term natural history of the weekly symptomatic status of bipolar I disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002 Jun;59(6):530-7.
  6. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder-5 (DSM-5);2013.